Association of Student Laboratories in Hungary

Student laboratories are facilities which provide lessons for students and student groups in mathematics, information technology, nature sciences and technology mainly based on self-learning activities and self-experimentation. They provide every year more than 100 lessons for external students and student groups (beyond the lessons of their own students).

Member of the association can be any student laboratory (if it has an own legal status) or the hosting school or the school holder. Any organization or legal person which is supporting or participating in the operation and work of a student laboratory can also join our association.

Our goals:

  • to foster the cooperation between Hungarian student labs
  • work to make student labs an effective and acknowledged tool for scientific education, environmental education career guidance, the dissemination of scientific thinking and talent management
  • to take common steps in order to increase the effectiveness of student labs
  • to help the knowledge sharing among student labs
  • to expand the student lab network
  • to search and involve sources
  • developing co-operations and launching joint projects

We want to achieve our goals with following activities:

  • We support the work of student labs with information, national and international connections, with the establishment and the operation of a knowledge-sharing network, with projects and fundraising
  • We represent the student labs towards the economy, higher education, research centers, professional administrative and policy makers.
  • We strive to involve resources for student labs.
  • We are launching joint projects for the development of student labs.
  • We organize a professional conferences, especially one yearly student lab meeting.
  • We assist in the dissemination and distribution of student projects in the public.


  • develop cooperation:
    • with higher education
    • with technical higher education, in order to shorten the distance between career orientation, scientific research and public education
    • with the teacher training to integrate student labs into the training process (as a practical place)
    • with the industry and businesses (secondary and tertiary level guidance programs, display of industry practice in the student labs – modern technologies in education, joint sponsorships and projects)
    • with public utilities to disseminate environmentally conscious approaches
    • with science promotion, career orientation and other organizations in the field of research for better operation
  • publicity, representation of labs to decision-makers
  • operation of our own website
  • organizing annual conferences to foster cooperative work and the promotion of knowledge sharing
  • making publications, such as presentation of labs, dissemination of good practices and projects


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